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Alberta Distance Learning Centre (ADLC) celebrates 90 years of serving Alberta students in schools, at home, and around the globe. Founded in 1923 as Alberta’s correspondence school, ADLC serves students and partner schools across the province

A Mountie’s March West

Published: 06/15/2009 by Kate Schutz in Learning Resources

“I had a blanket taken from every officer and man last night, so that each horse was covered and protected from the cold rain and wind, which set in about 9 p.m. I begin to feel very much alarmed for the safety of the Force. If a few hours’ cold rain

The Alberta Science Literacy Association operates Science Networks across the province of Alberta. These networks are uniquely placed to offer science curriculum support to all educators at any stage of the science curriculum.

Animal-assisted therapy is new to our Canadian concept of counseling and it offers hope to the percentage of children and youth who do not fair well in mainstream therapeutic settings.

Ancient Heroes; Epic Poems

Published: 12/29/2014 by in Learning Resources

Before Tony Stark’s impulsive capers and Professor Xavier’s cool and calculated strategy there was the god-like Achilles and the tactician Odysseus. They fought for honour, for love, for plunder, but always at the mercy of their gods.

Atlases & Almanacs

Published: 01/15/2008 by Donna Ward in Education & Learning Support

Are you passing on the “wonder of the world?” Here are ways to use geography tools to spice up your studies and grab those teachable moments.

A Passion for Education

Published: 02/25/2015 by Jacqueline Hinz in Testimonials & Experience

I have always been a voyageur, a pioneer. I tend to like to do things my way, on my terms, and I am at my best when I follow my intuition. I rarely read books telling me how to be a parent, or how to teach my kids. Currently, I’m reading Richard Bran