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Backyard Volcano

Published: 01/15/2009 by Andrea Keenan in Testimonials & Experience

As homeschoolers, we have heard it, read it and we know it. Sometimes we need a little reminder of how lucky and privileged we are to have choices in the ways we can teach our children.

Some classical educators focus on the classical method and others focus on the classical subjects. Those who focus on the subjects (Latin, logic, etc.) tend to want to get to the academics as early as possible.

Banff National Park

Published: 08/15/2010 by Andrea Tombrowski in Learning Resources

Banff National Park has a rich history. Earliest evidence of human occupation is recorded between 11,000-11,500 BC on the shores of the Vermilion Lakes and the man-made lake, Lake Minnewanka.

Bison: A Way of Life

Published: 01/15/2009 by Kate Schutz in Learning Resources

Imagine all the people that live in Calgary today. Imagine if all of those people turned into bison! That gives you an idea of how many bison lived in Calgary’s past!